Hannan Mohamud

Hannan Mohamud is a 2L law student at the English Common law faculty. Prior to joining the faculty, Hannan was an award-winning policy and legal researcher with a successful track record in citizen engagement and mobilization. As an undergraduate student at the University of Alberta 2019, Hannan studied a dual BA in Psychology and Sociology; her research explored the importance of understanding the impacts of historical and contemporary oppression and trauma on policy development and decision-making.

Hannan has advised political parties, consulted organizations and writes about the need for an intersectional and critical race analysis on a freelance basis. Currently, Hannan works with the Canadian human rights commissioner’s office and as an independent researcher for grants she has successfully received to conduct legislation revision. Hannan has been elected by her peers to be a board member on the University of Ottawa’s board of governors and has recently also joined the Canadian Council of Muslim Women’s board of directors. Her passion for access to mental health services for Black folks has also allowed her to be recently appointed as a member on Kids Help Line's newest Rise-Up Black Advisory Council.
